Friday, November 16, 2007

Easy Entertaining

Well, here it is. My blog. I am an event planner and thought I would start by sharing ideas with you about the event world.
You may think that you are not an event planner but if you have a family, you plan events all the time - birthday's, family outings, holiday parties, etc.
I have a niece that is turning one in a few weeks and my sister in law asked me today if I would help with the party. She also asked if she needed to have activities for the party.
Here is one idea that I thought of - a crawling contest - there will be other children there. What else can you do at a one year old birthday party besides smashing the cake??

Anyway - I will let you know who wins the crawl:)


JB Nova said...

Hello AlliNich,
Lookslike a great blog ahead! I will put your link on my site if you do the same.
Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

Looks like a winner AlliNich!

wrappedoccasions said...

Hi Nicole,

I really like the new style of your web site. Much success to your new blogging adventure!

Yours Truly,

Kimberly Thomas
Wedding Favors Consultant

Sweetly Wrapped Occasions